Most valuable skill's for 2025 !

Top essential skills I am going to learn in 2025.

We divided skills into two phrases, 
1st Jan to June ( six months) 
2nd June to DEC ( next six months)
I use the Pareto principle here (

1. Read LMM books recommend all.
2. Learn about personal finances, investing & basic tax ( zebra learn, crypto complete)
3. Proficiency in British English speaking skills.
4. health, nutrition & fitness. (deep nutrition)
5. Dress well.
6. Copywriting ( cashvertising)
7. Do startup, work in startup.
8. Online side business.
9. Study better.
10. Deadly discipline and sticking to goals.
11. Learn social skills ( personality, aura, soft skills, body language, human nature )
12. Dominant college eBooks. (Complete)
13. Choosing the right friends & influence.
14. Learn time & money management.
15. Computer skills & coding.
16. Create a product or service.
17. Learn Inter gender dynamics.
18. Reading habit.
19. Learning how to motivate yourself & others.
20. How to cook basic dishes.
21. Learning game theory & effective decision-making.
22. Learning to maintain your privacy online.
23. Brainwashing yourself.
24. Become stoic.
25. The art of writing.
26. Running a social media accounts.
27. Public speaking.
28. Learning to fight.
29. Self-learning.
30. Best productivity tips to boost work.
31. Meditation.
32. Storytelling.

You’ll see how different you become in a year or two (people won’t recognize you anymore).

5 Tanmay Bhukta: Most valuable skill's for 2025 ! Top essential skills I am going to learn in 2025. We divided skills into two phrases,  1st Jan to June ( six months)  2nd June to DEC ( next...
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