My reading list for 2025

                       Books I am going to read in 2025   

⦁    JAN -  Live Intentionally, Starting Strength, Chankya Nee-ti.
⦁    FEB -  Gorilla mindset, The Power of Habit.
⦁    MAR -  How to fail almost everything  & still win big.
⦁    APR -  What I wish I knew when I was 20.
⦁    MAY - The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter.
⦁    JUN - How to win friends & influence people,  But How Do It Know, Zero to One.
⦁    JUL - The book of Pook, The Rational Male, The Richest Man In Babylon, 100 mental models.
⦁    AUG - One Up on Wall Street, More Money Than God, The Female Brain, 48 Laws of Power
⦁    SEP - Poor Richard’s Almanac & The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller
⦁    OCT - The Way of Wealth, How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them, Greatest Trade Ever
⦁    NOV - The imitable man, Arthashastra, Who moved my cheese, The 4-hour workbook
⦁    DEC - The Accountant Story, Into Thin Air, Catch 22, The Wolf of Wall Street

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5 Tanmay Bhukta: My reading list for 2025                        Books I am going to read in 2025    ⦁    JAN -  Live Intentionally, Starting Strength, Chankya Nee-ti. ⦁    FEB -  Go...
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